In the shadows of fallen glory, in the ashes of the ancients, new life emerges. The inheritors stand strong to prove a simple fact.
Hope never dies
The town of Hopefall is small and humble. Founded by the elder Uplifted owl, Athene, Hopefall is a place for the scholarly and adventurous. Hopefall gets it’s name from the ancient Ruins of Hope located only a few miles East of the village through the thick jungle. Other ruins dot the land from ancient societies. Forts, garrisons, village ruins, even haunted cities can all be found near Hopefall dating back to before the dawning age of the Uplifted, all the way to the age of the Predecessors. None are more entrancing or mysterious as the Ruins of Hope themselves, however.
The Ruins of Hope is a massive and ancient structure spanning thousands of square miles. Airplanes can’t fly over it because it is too tall. Burrowers can’t dig under it because it is too deep. Nobody has been able to enter past the occasional open cavern-like rooms lining the outside. No one knows what is inside, and few alive know what its purpose was.
While the scars of long ago battles decorate the land, few have any mystery as to who was fighting, what for, and who won. Raiders from beyond the stars are a constant threat. Monstrous and powerful predators, these raiders come to new Earth to steal, kidnap, kill, and consume. They are relentless, persistent, and lethal. So far they have left Hopefall alone. In fact, they have left the sacred grounds around the Ruins of Hope alone for most of history. Nobody is quite sure why.
Factions: The Natives: Anthropomorphs: Anthropomorphs are an old group, having existed back in the time of the Predecessors, which they refer to as Humans. They have the most historical knowledge and solid theories about the different ruins due to their historical records going back farther than the actual existence of the Uplifted. Anthropomorphs generally don't have much variety to their appearance. Adults normally range from five to seven feet tall and have the physical body structure closer to that of the Predecessors, having been made by them.
Uplifted: The Uplifted are a young race comparatively speaking. They once were like the mindless beasts and birds that roam the land, but exposure to the ancient technology of the Predecessors mutated them. Their brains grew larger and their bodies grew more versatile. They rapidly grew intelligent as they learned what they could about the ancient technology. The Uplifted have a great deal of variety as the different species did not change much aside from their intelligence and culture becoming more like the Predecessors.
(Note: If Anthropomorphs look like what you would see in Star Fox, Uplifted are closer to Secret of NIMH.)
Others: Raiders: Hostile pirates and predators from beyond the stars. Raiders are a threat that cannot be trifled with if you desire to escape with your life. Strong, fast, and hungry for anything they can get their hands on, some believe them to be the embodiment of greed and warfare. They utilize technology that rivals even that of the Predecessors.
The Remnant: The most mysterious faction of all, nearly nothing is known about this group that calls itself The Remnant. No one knows where they came from, who they are, or even what they are. The Remnant aren’t hostile toward the Natives, and will normally aid in defending against Raiders during attacks. The Remnant appear to live around the Ruins of Hope, though no one has as of yet discovered a Remnant village. They seem to have the most extensive knowledge of the Predecessors’; technology, though they are quiet when asked to share the information. When asked about their goals, a Remnant will tend to reply that they desire a return of the “Age of Heroes”. No one is entirely sure what they mean. Finally, Remnant often appear to be gifted with odd, inexplicable abilities.
-You are allowed to use your 'Sona, but keep in mind that the technology is modern day for the natives, so unfortunately no cyborgs. Mechanical prosthesis are fine though.
-No PC deaths. If you want to leave the RP, you need to do it some other way.
-No doing anything that effects another person’s character without permission.
-When introducing a new permanent character, make a new sheet and submit it for GM approval.
-When making a new character, specify if they are an Uplifted or an Anthropomorph in the species/breed section of the sheet after the species they are.
-No PC antagonists. Personal preference for a cooperative experience. I will control antagonists as NPCs.
-New rules may be added, but I will call for a vote on them if I intent on adding them.
The only thing I see wrong is that in my mind the town of Hopefall isn't really big enough to have a full university. Granted, the number of scholars there and the purpose of it's creation you could argue that the entire town is a university…
Alright, Tom. You're approved. I've decided that given the purpose for the founding of the town as well as how most of the people there are likely scholars of some sort, Hopefall should be a college or university town. Not a big one, but one that probably has a reputation and high demand given where it is located.
Well people who signed up prior to the first post being made can make their first post as soon as they are ready. You can start wherever you want doing pretty much whatever you want provided it makes sense from what you know of the setting and story. To get involved in the story, Athene has sent each character (with the exception of Riley, who will arrive with Don, and Joseph, who joined later and I'm still figuring out how he's going to join.) a text to show up in her office. You can start by having your character go about his daily business when he receives the message and heads over to Athene's office. That would be my suggestion on how to start.