šŸ‘‹ The Introduction Thread

Use this thread for introductions! New members, old members, whatever!

Hi, my name is Sleet. Iā€™ve been a furry since around 2006, and a Christian pretty much my entire life. Iā€™m an arctic fox, and a non-denominational Christian (though I go to a Methodist church right now).

I work as a pediatrician, and I love animals, music, video games, board and card games, sweets, and learning foreign languages!



I am a wolf and also a cat. Hi, Sleet.

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Hi, Iā€™m Ian McGecko and Iā€™ve been in the fandom since 2003 or 4. I joined the original FFC in 2005 and have been a part of it ever since!

Iā€™m a Madagascar day gecko and IRL I work for an airline!

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Le Meow.

I am Taiga, the Politigian. Iā€™ve been around FFC for a while. Nice to meet you!

I am a Unitarian Universalist but I am seemingly unsettled mentally on whether I think Iā€™m Agnostic or Christian. Hoping to slowly figure that out.

I am heavily involved in politics and my hobbies include fish-keeping, learning guitar, strategy and team based video games, and reading absurd amounts of books.

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learning guitar

Practice today if you havenā€™t already yet. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

hi Iā€™m diss

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Hiya hi hi, Iā€™m mostly known as Regulus but because of me having so many OCs I can go by Regulus, Leonidas, Tera, Paradox, or Dragon Overlord if you prefer as thatā€™s my gaming handle online.

Letā€™s seeā€¦ thing about me, I am a writer and am currently working on a story series that I intend to publish in the future and I feel adventure RPing helps me build up my characters personalities in the process! Outside of that I am a big gamer, I play across all systems including PC and have accounts on all ends. I also, unfortunately, am currently working retail and am thinking about returning to school to earn my Bachelorā€™s or Masterā€™s in something I really like. While I am torn as to what I would go for, my true interests are mostly in the Earth Science field.

Lastly Iā€™ve been in the fandom for close to 10+ years, but Iā€™ve only really been active throughout the last 5 or 6. So I am looking forward to knowing everyone here (like I donā€™t already know and love yā€™all XD)

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Iā€™m Kairus, resident snow leopard of this little corner of the Internet.
Passionate about music, particularly hammered dulcimer.
Iā€™ve had an interest in anthropomorphs for close to a decade but only formally joined the fandom in 2018, after having a significant increase in sci-fi and fantasy literature with animal characters.

Up until October 2020 I was a devout Protestant, as I was raised. I am currently no longer a theist. I still hang around these corners of the Internet for a few friends Iā€™ve made, and I still enjoy intersectional and interfaith discussion.

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Howdy, Iā€™m Patch!
Iā€™m part hound and part golden retriever. I discovered the furry fandom and FFC around 2017 and consider myself a furry only casually. Some other hobbies I have are reading, drawing (though Iā€™m terrible at it), and listening to bluegrass music. Iā€™m a nondenominational Christian, but I think I lean towards Reformed Baptist doctrinally. Iā€™m on the telegram chat but Iā€™m mostly just a lurker there. I tend to be pretty awkward in online conversation so I might sometimes ruffle a few feathers by accident, sorry. Nice to meet everbody!

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Itā€™s great to have yā€™all here! :smiley:


Iā€™m Furrhan, a toony, loony Eastern Quoll from Tasmania. Iā€™ve been a furry since 2013. I canā€™t remember when I joined FFC but it probably would have been around 2014-2015. Iā€™m a non-denominational Christian and am not attending church at the moment. I currently work as a dispense tech in a pharmacy but Iā€™m an aspiring writer at heart. I also honk a saxophone and produce awful sounds from an organ on occasion. I enjoy photography and hiking too.

Iā€™m one of the admins here so feel free to shoot me a DM if you have any questions or concerns about anything here! Welcome back if youā€™re an old member, and welcome if youā€™re just joining us! Itā€™s great to have you all!

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Hey yā€™all!

So Iā€™m actually a really old member ā€“ definitely older than Sleet; : p I remember him joining the ancient site a few months or so before I had my furry/therian identity crisis and left. But because of that I havenā€™t participated in the fandom forā€¦ almsot two decades, i think.

But here I am. Iā€™m a red fox, and yes I consider myself a therian as well as a furry.

Religiously I still consider myself a Cahtolic, but Iā€™ve gone from being a ā€œtraditionalistā€ to a liberal, ā€œdissentingā€ Catholic. I mean, in some areas I am a traditionalist in both theology and a taste for old-fashioned ceremony and language.

I am an aspiring writer of high fantasy as well as theologian and religious scholar ā€“ if all goes well, I intend to resume formal education this fall. I also have the idea of becoming a clergyman (clergyfox?) in the back of my mind.

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Iā€™m Scarbo. I joined the fandom in July 2016. Iā€™ve been in FFC since September 2017. My religious denomination is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Iā€™m finishing up my masterā€™s degree in music composition at BYU, and Iā€™m moving to Salt Lake City in August to start my doctorate in music composition. I also like computer programming.

I often have specific interests that last some time. My current obsession right now is high-speed rail.

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HI, Iā€™m Kolifus! Iā€™m a member of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. Iā€™m also a gamer and a brony (Which means Iā€™m a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic). I enjoy drawing, reading and writing stories, and making brony youtube videos with my twin brother!


You could share your channel with us! :3

allright, hereā€™s the channel:

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Itā€™s great to have yā€™all here!

Iā€™m wondering your thoughts on the new Generation 5 stuff weā€™ve seen! Though I guess thatā€™s a thing for its own thread, yeah?

Hey, I have a twin brother too! He isnā€™t furry at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™m wondering your thoughts on the new Generation 5 stuff weā€™ve seen! Though I guess thatā€™s a thing for its own thread, yeah?

Iā€™ll make a thread for it!

Hi there, Iā€™m Niqnaq. I joined the fandom in 2013, then became connected with the Christian fur community in 2017.

Iā€™m in school part-time pursuing an MBA, and last year I got a cat that I share possibly too many photos of.

Outside of my furry hobbies, I volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, and I do ninja obstacle courses.

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