It’s a pleasure to meet you, Tempo! I agree, it sounds like we have plenty in common. If I’m understanding what you said correctly, this is the first online furry space you’ve interacted in too? If so, I’m glad I’m not the only one!
It’s nice to meet you! I’m glad to have received a warm welcome and support, and I’m excited to participate in discussions with you and others on here!
Hiii, welcome, Constellation! I’m curious as to what music you like to listen to, and which climates are your favorites for exploring in nature? Hope you enjoy your time here!
Hi Amethyst! The answer to both of those is: a broad variety! However, if I had to pick, I’d say my favorite natural environments are forests and lakes. I also much prefer warm climates; I don’t like the cold! And for music, I can listen to classical music all day, and I especially love modern classical-style music.
Hi, many of you already know me, I used to have an account here but it must have been deleted when I deleted my Twitter account! I’m James, my fursona is a mallard duck also named James, and I’ve been a part of FFC since 2018. I love birds, cartoons, and trains. I am Catholic until proven otherwise. I am currently looking for a job.
Hey there, everyone! My name is Laika! I’m a 20 y/o woman from Ohio currently living in Indiana! I’ve been a furry for the better part of 10 years, and have only just come to Christ very recently.
My fursona is a brown bear , as they’re one of my favorite animals! My favorite hobbies are fishing , hiking , and I love cartoons!