šŸ‘‹ The Introduction Thread

hi Everyone, all glory to God. I just want you guys to know that thereā€™s going to be a large famin soon so you should be ready. I just wanted to let you know. Also Iā€™m glad we can be here, with fellow believers.

I feel God telling me that there are some people on this sit that are using this place for evil and there are some that need to repent and turn to God. Make sure you donā€™t put your interest over God; stay true to his word, the raptuer is coming soon, the devil will try to make us turn away from Godā€™s Word so be cerfull. read your Bible and pray daily so you will not be diseived and so you will have wisdom. spread the Good News to as many people as you can So that they can know the truth too, but herry sence we do know what happen to use later on, but remember that we not saved by works alone we are saved by grace by the payment that Jesus paid of for are sins, and we are sharing are gratitude by sharing His love to others through the Gospel and through are actions. God has given use the power to make the devil and his demons flee in fear.

We most repent of all sin, adltery, idolatry, homosexuality, hate, murder, strife, masterbation, rabelion, enve, pride, and witchcraft. He is coming soon so be ready. I pray that this place will be used for the glory of God.

I just wanted to share this with you all. I just felt That I had to do this

I hate to tall you this but Mormonism is not the same as being a Christian. The Bible makes it very clear that there is only one Word of God and not two. The Bible even says that if an angel, or another believer, or anything esle were to give us another gospel then that being be ucersed, and we should not believe them. There is only one God and there will never any other before or after. We are not brothers of Jesus. Jesus is God and we are not.

Please understand this, I us to think that Mormonism was the truth. I wonder if should become a mormon but i was confused about it and wondered if this Simth guy was a real prophet so I dicided to prayed to God about it. Then a whale later I went to read the Bible I saw this small section seem too bolder in a away that was like it was glowing which was weird because the verse that bold was not ever like that before so when I read it it said that there will be false teachers which I knew was an answer to my prayer.

I wasnā€™t sure so I went to God and asked Him. He showed me that Mormonism was not true. Turn to God my and He will forgive you of all you sins

How do you know that a large famine is coming soon?

Hello, sir! I wouldnā€™t mind asking you a few questions, but this thread is not the place for preaching or debate.

I do hope that you will stick around, but itā€™s fair to say you will face quite a bit of disagreement on your views.

Meanwhile, perhaps you could tell us something about yourself? Your fursona? Your interests?

Though God

Iā€™m a dragon who loves reading

I would recommend making a thread or several in Serious Discussion if you would like to discuss those topics in more depth! Itā€™s definitely a lot of claims and accusations being made that would overwhelm this thread!

Make a thread, not a threat. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ehmā€¦ okeydokey then

Yes, thatā€™s what I meant. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi yā€™all. Iā€™m TobyPuma, my fursona is a cat named Raphael, or Raph, and I go to a Lutheran church. I work in a law firm, and at a market.

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Pleased to meet you!

Hi, welcome! Itā€™s great to have you here! :smiley:

Hi all! The name is Bando, a wolf/husky living in the winter wonderland that is Canada!

Iā€™ve been a Christian for almost all my life. Currently, Iā€™m studying to work in the Marketing/Advertising world. In my spare time, I love pursuing voice acting, sketching, animation and other forms of media production. I also like running/working out as well ^ ^ Nice to meet you all!


Itā€™s great to have you here! Always can use more warm fluffy boys. :3

Nice to meet you too! -Tailwags.- Maybe you could share some of your animation/voice acting at some point?

Hi Bando! I think I know you from a while ago.

Hi ya! Both are a huge work in progress, but sure
^ ^ definitely!

Hey Ian ^ ^ nice to see ya again! And yea! I see the forum got a face lift too! Hope to poke around more here and on the group chat